Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Wizard of Gore (1970)

Is it magic? Or wholesale slaughter?

A magician by the name of Montag puts on an unusual illusion show wherein female volunteers from the audience are brought on stage and appear to be horribly mutilated with swords, chainsaws, drills, and the like. When the illusion is over, the women walk off the stage quite normally.

Not all is well, however, as the women are later found murdered in the same way they were killed on stage. A couple, Jack and Sherry, who have been attending some of the shows, start to get wise to Montags twisted game but nothing can be pinned on him because the whole audience saw the women leave the show in tact. Somehow the illusion turns out to be not the killing, but the period of living between being killed on stage and being found murdered. Montag really must be some kind of wizard! Jack and Sherry are left to try to stop Montag before he strikes again.

The Wizard of Gore is another one of those movies where everything else (i.e. the plot) kind of just serves as filler between graphic murder scenes. The scenes are actually quite grisly if unconvincing, and made all the more realistic looking by the fact that they used two sheep carcass as the source of most of their props. In other words, the blood and guts are real... just not human. Apparently another popular prop on the set of Wizard of Gore was condoms filled with blood which could then be placed amongst the guts presumably to provide the gushed of blood they needed for extra effect. If you are looking for a gore fest, here it is. If you are looking for a movie with a plot, character development, or for that matter any scenes that are actually scary... look elsewhere.

1.5 popping eyeballs out of 5
Not rated. Contains violence/gore, and sexual content.

Watch the Wizard of Gore trailer.


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