Monday, July 26, 2010

Friday the 13th 3: 3D (1982)

A new dimension in terror...

Jason survived the machete attack inflicted upon him by Ginny, the lone survivor of F13-2, and he's back for more. After slashing his way through a general store to get some new clothes, the ever fashion-conscious Jason Voorhees makes his way to a nearby cabin, still on Crystal Lake, where Chris Higgins has invited her friends for a weekend of camping.

While the group settles in at the cabin, and Jason lurks menacingly, Shelly and Catherine (two of Chris's friend) decide to make a trip into town, where they have a run in with a small, racially stereotyped, biker gang. They escape unscathed, although the same can't be said for their car. Too bad for them Jason is about to make them wished they'd just taken their chances with the bikers instead. Too bad for the bikers, they decide to follow them and try to get revenge.

Jason's blood-thirsty 3D rampage then begins as he uses all manner of grisly deeds to do away with sex crazed teenagers, pot smoking hippies, and others who intrude upon his sacred lake-front property. As usual, a lone female character (Chris) uses her brain (a task that seems to be particularly challenging for the other characters in the film) and kills Jason off, or so it seems. Yet, the viewer is left with the distinct feeling that things may not be over and done with on Crystal Lake...

F13-3 is notable for a few things. First, it introduces Jason's famous hockey mask. Second, it was the first slasher film in 3D. It was also Paramount's first 3D film. Granted, it's no Avatar, and some of the 3D stuff is just silly, but it's still kind of cool. Also, Jason, played in this film by Richard Brooker, takes on a slightly different character in this film. He looks bigger and meaner, and he's a bit more vicious. He seems to be enjoying himself. Another solid film for the Friday the 13th series.

4.5 3D pop-out eyeballs out of 5
Rated R for violence/gore, frightening scenes, language, drug use, sexual content, and very brief nudity.

Watch the Friday the 13th 3: 3D trailer.

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