Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Evil Dead (1981)

Can they be stopped?

Ash takes his girlfriend and a group of friends out camping for the weekend at a secluded, run down, cabin in the woods. They find an old recording in the basement of the cabin and decide to check it out. It turns out to be from a professor who explains that he has uncovered a Babylonian/Sumerian text; The Book of the Dead. He goes on to read some passages from the book which they decide to listen to despite the protests of one of the campers, Cheryl. Just as the incantation reaches its climax a tree comes smashing through the kitchen window. This is far from the end of their bad luck.

Of course it turns out that the incantation has freed some demonic spirits from their slumber. They first take form through the forests surrounding the cabin. Cheryl unwisely follows the horror movie cliche by going alone in the dark to check out a suspicious sound in the woods. There she is attacked and raped by some trees in a highly controversial scene. Through this, the demonic spirit is transmitted to her. Later she becomes possessed and transforms into a hideous ghoul who attacks her fellow cabin mates eventually leaving Ash to fend for himself against a legion of demons who apparently want to eat his soul. 

Evil Dead is undeniably one of the greatest horror films of all time.  Sure, the acting is horrible. Sure, its cheesy. Sure, Ash has a uni-brow for some reason and can't seem to stop getting trapped under falling bookcases. But it's still a fantastic movie. It blows every other demon related movie of its kind out of the water in terms of fun, gore, and all around awesomeness. On top of that, it's actually pretty scary unlike it's sequels; Evil Dead 2, and Army of Darkness, both of which are great films but inferior to the original. You've got to love the wonderful make up work, the use of claymation, and... is that porridge coming out of that demon towards the end?

5 pencils to the ankle out of 5
Rated R/NC-17 for substantial graphic horror violence and gore.


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