Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Return of the Living Dead 3 (1993)

She's to die for.

A group of government scientists, headed by Colonel Reynolds, perform experiments on the reanimated corpses of the dead in the hopes of harnessing them, and the gas which reanimates them, as new forms of infantry and biological weapons. Although the experiments are secret, the Colonels son, Curt, breaks into the compound with his feisty and rebellious girlfriend Julie. They discover to their horror the grisly creatures therein and the experiments which are taking place on them, although it is not immediately obvious what the purpose of these experiements is.

Later, after a fight with his father, Curt runs away from home with Julie to start a new life away from his domineering dad. But the couple get in a nasty accident along the way, leaving Julie dead. Heartbroken, and in a state of shock, Curt returns to the military complex and reanimates Julie using the zombie gas. They escape the complex and head back out on the road where they have a run in with a Latino gang, one of whom the zombified Julie takes a chunk out of.

Julie and Curt find themselves on the run from the military, the gang, and the zombies  while Julie's condition deteriorates and her hunger for brain matter increasingly overtakes her. She may be to die for, but is that what it will take for Curt to stay with her?

Return of the Living Dead 3 is definitely my favourite Return of the Living Dead sequel. It's plot is kind of like a punk rock Romeo & Juliette with zombies. Although I am generally not a fun of talking zombies, the ones in this movies are very well done and cool looking which makes up for it. The acting isn't too heinous, and the characters are fun - especially Melinda Clarke who does an awesome job as Julie, the DIY zombie pin cushion.Basil Wallace is also great as the eccentric, but heroic man who lives in the sewer; "I may live with the rats, but I sure as hell ain't no rat."

Of course the movie isn't perfect. For one thing, the gang of Latino's is a ridiculous and stereotyped to the extreme. Frankly it comes off as more than a little racist. There are also a bunch of scenes where you can see wires, people hiding their "severed" arms behind their backs etc. if you really pay attention. At the same time, you've got to kind of appreciate the fact that this is a movie from before the days when everything was just computer animated to look perfect. In a way it makes the watching experience that much more fun.

4 canister zombies out of 5
Rated 18A/R for horror violence and gore, and for language, nudity, and sexuality.

Watch the Return of the Living Dead 3 trailer.


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