Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sorority House Massacre (1986)

Who will survive the final exam?

A college student, Beth, begins to have strange dreams and visions when she moves into her new sorority house. What she doesn't realize is that the terrifying projections of her subconscious are brought on by the fact that the sorority house was her childhood home where her older brother murdered her family, missing only her because she was able to hide in the basement. He was locked up in a psychiatric hospital while she blocked the memory out of her mind and went on to live a normal life... till now.

It turns out that her moving into the house triggers a psychic bond between herself and her brother, pushing him to escape from his cell and come seeking to finish what he started years earlier by taking his now-adult sisters life and that of anyone who gets in the way.

Sorority House Massacre seems to try to pick up on elements of two of the more popular slasher flicks of the time; Halloween (the crazy family-slashing brother with the uncontrollable impulse to do away with the last remaining relative) , and Nightmare on Elm Street (the dreams and visions which become blurred with reality). However, it uses neither of these themes in an equally frightening or otherwise effective way. By the mid way point, Sorority House Massacre becomes exceptionally dull. Nothing much of note happens except the killer escaping from the hospital, and Beth's recurring dreams are getting pretty old and overdone.

Finally, the killer pulls up to the house in a faux-wood paneled station wagon (enough to make anyone want to run for it) and begins to slice and dice uncreatively with a hunting knife. The remainder of the movie isn't too bad, but neither is it remarkable. Over-all, an average mid-80's slasher film with little excitement or creativity. The gore is pretty minimal, the acting pretty average for what the movie is, and the scares amount to little more than a mild air of creepiness on the part of the killer.

1.5 bleeding photos out of 5
Rated 18A/R for violence, nudity, sexuality, and frightening scenes.

Watch the Sorority House Massacre trailer.


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