Sunday, July 4, 2010

Night of the Demons 3: Demon House (1997)

You can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave...

A group of teenagers inadvertently get into a shoot out with police officers at a convenience store on their way to a Halloween party, and flee to an abandoned funeral parlor, Hull House, to hide. They soon encounter the houses inhabitant, Angela, a demon possessed temptress bent on killing her new guests and stealing their souls. Perhaps they should have taken their chances at the store!

As Angela's house guests get killed off one by one, it becomes apparent that the heroes will be the virginal (according to Angela) head cheerleader, her new crush, and a rather strange and somewhat unnecessary retired police officer whose aim is to apprehend the teens but ends up instead trying to save them from Angela's demonic forces. They struggle to escape across the underground stream, over which the demons can not cross. In the end it seems as though they have not only escaped, but also thwarted Angela once and for all. Despite this the final scene leaves the door open for yet another sequel, which unfortunately never did materialize.

Don't let the long, unnecessary, cheesy opening sequence fool you. Although perhaps not a masterpiece of the same caliber as the first two installments, Night of the Demons 3 is still a great sequel to the legendary original. With that said, it does feel like some of the creative greatness of the originals, there just aren't as many scenes with the wonderful and memorable absurdity of the first two films and the addition of newfangled special effects actually ends up serving to take away from the great atmosphere that the original films maintained. Not a bad flick, but if you have to miss out on one of the three, this is the one to miss. The other two are must-see's. Maybe it is better that they never produced the fourth sequel. It would be a tremendous shame to see this series decline into awfulness like many other horror series have.

3.5 out of 5 demon cats.

Rated 18A/R for strong violence and gore, sexuality and language.

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