Thursday, July 15, 2010

Burial Ground (1981)

When the moon turns red, the dead shall rise! 

A bunch of seemingly inbred upper-class twits travels to a secluded old mansion for a summer holiday. They are soon under siege by hordes of zombies who look like peasants who have risen from the dead to wreak vengeance upon their oppressors. In some cases, they even use farming implements against their prey. Meanwhile their snooty victims struggle ineptly to survive and ultimately get what they have coming to them. 

Burial Ground, aka The Nights of Terror, aka Zombi 3, is a fantastic living dead gore fest by Italian director Andrea Bianchi. The zombies are really cool and different looking, even though during the close ups you can sometimes very easily see where the make up starts and the actor beneath begins.

The gore is plentiful and inordinately gruesome at times. Despite this, probably the grossest and most disturbing thing in the movie is the incest theme between two of the characters rather than any of the nasty gore and violence.

Pretty much all the non-zombie characters are easily despised which means you can just sit back and watch gleefully as they get munched one by one. There's also an obvious underlying commentary on class in that a bunch of peasant zombies are chewing up a bunch of aristocratic knobs for the entire movie. Grisly, unique, and fun. One of my favourites zombie flicks to date.

4.5 nipple biters out of 5
Rated 18A/Unrated. Contains nudity, sexual content, incestuous themes, violence/gore.


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