Friday, June 3, 2011

I've Been Watching You (2001)

This fraternity is getting some new blood. 

Doma Tau Omega, a fraternity of bleach-blond, sun glass wearing douche-masters, has a terrible secret, no it isn't spray-tan related. They are actually a satanic vampire cult and they are on the lookout for fresh blood. Freshman blood, to be more exact, and they have their eyes on newcomer Chris Chandler.

Will Chris, and his friends Dan and Megan, discover the true nature of these dastardly Jersey Shore rejects in time, or will Chris become just another sacrifice to Satan, Snooky, or whatever evil entity it is that they worship?

I've Been Watching You, also known as The Brotherhood, became painful to watch less than five minutes in. It got worse from there on. The acting is awful, the dialogue is ridiculous, and the special effects are mostly non-existent. None of the characters are likable; from the vamp-douches themselves, to Chris's whimpering hard-done-by sidekick Chris, to the thicko main character himself. The best part was the ending. Not because it was a good ending, just because it was over.

0 out of 5 spray-tan stained coffin liners out of 5
Rated 14A: contains profanity, violence.

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