Thursday, June 30, 2011

Deadgirl (2008)

You Never Forget Your First Time.

Two high school students, Rickie and JT, stumble upon a woman tied to a hospital bed in the depths of an abandoned psychiatric hospital. She appears to be alive. But soon it becomes apparent that she is actually undead.

While Rickie argues in favour of altering the authorities, his deranged friend JT has other ideas. The "deadgirl", as she becomes known, becomes JT's personal sex slave, and soon he invites in his equally pathetic friend Wheeler as well. But when the deadgirl escapes they will pay the price for their sordid actions.

Deadgirl is undoubtedly a different kind of zombie movie. There is minimal actual zombie related violence since the only zombie in the film is strapped to a table most of the film. But when the flesh munching does begin, it makes it all the more satisfying; especially considering the nature of the "victims" and the element of sweet vengeance.

The scares may be few and far between, but there is quite a bit of gore and a definite atmosphere of creepiness, which is helped by the setting of the film. Of course the film's content is also highly disturbing as it deals with the topic of sexual violence. There's a commentary somewhere in here on the level of depraved misogyny afflicting much of our decadent society today.

The special effects, make up, and camera work all deserve some credit here. I'm not sure the same can be said for the acting. Maybe the blame belongs on the writers rather than the actors, but the dialogue is horrid and the level of generalized douchery amongst the main characters calls for the viewer to desperately look forward to the moment that deadgirl will devour them. Deadgirl is the exception, which she has no lines other than growling, she looks very scary. Rickie and JT in particular look like that fool from Twilight, but sound like they think they are on Jersey Shore. And what exactly is up with "the good guy" Rickie? From whence comes his big internal conflict about what to do about the fact that his friend is a psychopath and a rapist. Here's a suggestion: call the cops.

Either way, I am hoping for a sequel wherein a zombie deadgirl hunts down douchebags and sodomizes them against their will. After this movie, it's only fair.

2.5 deadgirls out of 5
Rated R for strong aberrant sexuality, graphic nudity, bloody violence and pervasive language.

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