Thursday, June 2, 2011

Gojira (1954)

Civilization crumbles as its death rays blast a city of 6 million from the face of the earth!

 A giant prehistoric monster is awakened and mutated by American nuclear tests. Arising from the depths of the ocean, it unleashes havoc on Japan with its radioactive fire breath and the crushing blows of its limbs and tail. No weapon known to man seems to be able to stop the monster, known as Godzilla.

The only hope lies in a one-eyed mad scientist, Dr. Serizawa, who has developed a powerful and dangerous new weapon. But will he be convinced to reveal his horrifying invention to the world and risk it being used for evil purposes?

Godzilla might look hokey to some today, but it must have been terrifying to the people of Japan in 1954. Just a short few years since World War Two ended with the devastating and horrendous dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Gojira, or Godzilla, brought a new nuclear horror to the big screen which must have hit close to home for many Japanese people.

It may not be news to most sane people today to note that nuclear weapons are a bad idea all around and ought to be abolished. But it was a significant thing to say in the context that this film was released in to.

Furthermore, its an absolute classic. Gojira is a joy to watch and it is no wonder that it spawned nearly incalculable numbers of sequels, spin offs, and remakes, ranging from good to total swill. Yet, even amongst the best of those films that followed, in many ways, none can live up to the original. Gojira will always be among the true greats of the monster move genre.

5 atomic dinosaurs out of 5

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