Saturday, June 25, 2011

Memorial Valley Massacre (1988)

Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back In The Tent...

Memorial Valley has been a practically untouched natural wonder, and a delicate one-of-a-kind ecosystem. Until now. Now a profit hungry corporation is poised to turn the Valley into develop the area, starting by opening a public camp ground.

What appears to be a sting of acts of sabotage has delayed construction of the camp infrastructure. But despite this, the owner pushes forward with the camps grand opening, and campers flood into the pristine valley to celebrate the Memorial Day weekend.

But soon a string of strange murders begins, carried out by a caveman looking character who seems to live within the confines of the valley and does not appreciate the intrusion on his home.

Memorial Valley Massacre is one of countless stereotypical, low budget slasher flicks that were pumped out in the hundreds during the 1980's. One can tell that the well of solid storyline concepts was getting pretty dry by 1988 based on how inane this one is.

The films unlikely and silly plot is topped only by its very poor acting which at best, comes off as scripted, and at worst, sounds like it's being read off a Teleprompter. In fact, I'm pretty sure that in some of the scenes the actors had their lines written down on pages at their feet, below the gaze of the camera, and they appear to be reading from them.

The villain himself is totally absurd and not scary in the least. He looks like he should be hunting Woolly Mammoth, not campers on ATV's. Then there's the "surprise" plot twist. Groan.

It's a shame just how bad this movie is, because it does seem to be trying to say something. We have a greedy company, whose owner cares for nothing buy profit, aiming to destroy pristine and irreplaceable wilderness to make a quick buck. We have a bunch of rich, spoiled tourist-campers out to have fun without regard for who or what they hurt in the process. And we have some sort of hairy eco-avenger out impaling them with spears.

Potential existed... but only boredom ensued.

0.5 loincloths out of 5
Rated R for violence, nudity, sexual content, language.

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