Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Slumber Party Massacre 3 (1990)

It's driller time... and this bits for you!

Alright, you know the drill; a bunch of teenage girls have a slumber party and are interrupted by a misogynist mass murderer with a massive drill.Slumber Party 3 returns to the less campy style of the first film in the series, steering clear of the ultra-cheesy and downright silly motif of its immediate predecessor.

The basic plot remains identical and a few of the scenes are actually rehashed from the first and second movie. An attempt is made to create mystery around who the killer is, but it should be obvious from the moment you see the obnoxious douche bag... it's pretty hard not to see that one coming. Unfortunately the movie wastes a lot of time trying to play up this "mystery" rather than getting to the point, which makes for a slow start. Fifty minutes in the driller had only taken three victims.

Slumber Party Massacre 3 seems to aim to scare a little more strongly that the past films with a darker atmosphere, more graphic gore, and a killer that for a little while at the start actually almost seems like he might end up being a bit scary... although he turns out to be a complete goober. Massacre 3 also plays much more openly and violently on themes of misogyny and also, this time, of incest, making for a few disturbing moments.

There are also a few serious failures of logic in this movie. For example, why is it that on the second attempt to call the police, who believe that the whole thing is a prank, they decide that one of them will go check it out in an hour or so. If there was a murderer on the lose in a house full of teenagers wouldn't going around to take a look an hour later be a bit superfluous?  Why do the characters decide they need to go lock up all the doors and windows after they discover the first dead body - in the house! If the killer has left a victim in the house then he obviously is inside, so who are they locking out? How many lamps do these people have, and how many times can one get a lamp smashed on their head before they are knocked out, seriously brain damaged, or dead?

As with the first movie, the surviving women team up and put a violent end to their tormentor in one of the most satisfying scenes on the whole show. There are a few other memorable ones such as the "for sale" sign, chainsaw, and electrocution murders. If I were these folks, I think I'd give up on slumber parties by now...

2.5 deaths by vibrator out of 5
Rated 18A/R for violence & gore, disturbing scenes, sexuality, and nudity. 

Watch the Slumber Party Massacre 3 trailer. 


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