Saturday, June 26, 2010

Slumber Party Massacre 2 (1987)

A new kind of rocky horror.

Slumber Party Massacre 2 returns to the same basic premise as the original; a group of "teenagers" have a slumber party and are attacked by a murderer with a giant drill. In this sequel, the little sister of the first films protagonist is haunted by recurring visions and nightmares related to the events of the first film. She begins to believe that a new drill wielding lunatic is lurking around the condo at which she and her friends have holed up for a parents-free weekend. Of course, she turns out to be correct on that count, and finds herself and her friends struggling to survive against a douchey leather-clad rocker with a giant drill shaped like a guitar.

It's hard to do anything but despise this film for nearly the first half. The whole dreams/visions motif of the main character, Courtney, gets extremely old and over-done quite quickly. Many of the characters are exceptionally obnoxious, especially the males who are utter dufaces much like in the original. There is also little imaginable rationale for why the villain was done up like some sort of ridiculous rock star, other than possibly as a social commentary on the testosterone-heavy hair rock which the going musical trend for young males of the day.

With that said, as the movie went on and the action started up the movie got a lot more bearable. Sure, there are a lot of scenes that are just plain stupid. The killers little dance number was a bit much, they blatantly re-used the scene from the first movie of the two male characters peeping on the women, and did they really need that many shots of him playing his guitar-drill and performing that irritating cackle? On the other hand, there were some really memorable moments as well. Sheila's face exploding with puss, the police questioning the "teens" about the supposed disappearance of their friend, the chicken attack scene, etc.

As with the original, the men all get slaughtered without much trouble or resistance and it is the women protagonist, Courtney, who saves the day... although there's not much left to save but herself by that point. And, of course, the way is left wide open for another sequel of which so many more were yet to come...

2 pillow fights out of 5
Rated R for violence, language, and nudity.

Watch the Slumber Party Massacre 2 trailer.


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