Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friday the 13th (2009)

Welcome to Crystal Lake.

In 1980, Friday the 13th began one of the most well known and successful horror movie franchises in history. It helped to shape the slasher film, which was exploding into the dominant horror sub-genre of the time. It also led to 10 sequels, which ranged from great to awful.

In 2009, someone got the idea to take a stab (no pun intended) at remaking it. We all know the story, a group of teenagers out at Crystal Lake get gruesomely slaughtered one by one by a hockey mask wearing maniac. That basic plot line remains in tact but with some tinkering. For example, they are at the lake, near the infamous camp of the original movies, but instead they are at a cabin. There are a few other really stupid alterations as well. To name a few; what is with the whole part about the stoners growing weed out on Jason's turf? Since when does Jason run, jump, set traps, and take hostages!? Where did these tunnels under Jason's cabin come from? Is that really what he spent his time doing in between killing swathes of teenagers? Digging tunnels!?

On top of poorly chosen changes to the plot and main character the film has other deficiencies as well. The dialogue is ridiculously poor. The acting... well, nobody ever expected too much in that department from a slasher movie anyhow. The characters are obnoxious enough that you just want them to get sliced and diced so that the wretched movie can be over with. If you are unlucky (no pun intended again) to have to see this movie please do not allow it to taint you feelings towards the whole franchise. Go check out some of the older Friday the 13th movies, especially the first three, and you will presently surprised with the contrast to this ill conceived re-make.

1.5 tch tch tch ha ha ha's out of 5
Rated 18A/R for strong bloody violence, some graphic sexual content, nudity, language and drug material. 

Watch the Friday the 13th trailer. 


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