Friday, June 25, 2010

Severance (2006)

The company is making cutbacks. 

Office Space meets Friday the 13th in Severance, a slasher comedy about a sales team from an international weapons manufacturer who go for a "team-building" exercise in the mountains of Eastern Europe where they encounter a crazed gang of soldiers intent on reaping revenge on the team of weapons sellers.

The team is gruesomely killed off one by one, but Steve (Danny Dyder) and Maggie (Laura Harris), manage to escape and find the company CEO partying it up with two escorts and who manages to destroy their only means of escape while trying to blow up the killers who are still in hot pursuit. The boss ultimately gets what he deserves and Laura and one of the escorts save the day, allowing for themselves as well as Steve and the other escort to escape in a boat.

Any office worker should be able to appreciate this film for its commentary on office life. There is some other social commentary implicit here as well with regards to war and also with regards to women who come out as the heroes in this film despite the fact that any feminist cred that this movie might have had is a bit tarnished by the scenes of topless women running screaming through the forest.

Overall, Severance successfully mixes humor, horror, gore, social commentary, and even a bit of drama into one really excellent movie.

5 flamethrowers out of 5
Rated R for strong bloody violence, language, drug content and some sexuality/nudity.


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