Thursday, April 21, 2011

Zombie Nation (2004)

Terror In Numbers

A local police officer turned serial killer is on a rampage; arresting, kidnapping, and murdering his female victims  to satisfy his psychotic urges. His partner is on to him, but many of his fellow officers, members of his former army platoon, refuse to cooperate in investigating his crimes. As the investigation falters, a different form of justice approaches for this sick madman... the zombified corpses of his victims.

Zombie Nation starts out confusing, stays that way for a while, declines towards disappointing and beyond, returns to confusing, and then bottoms out at simply ridiculous and nonsensical.

First of all the plot. It doesn't really flow in any apparent direction until quite well into the movie. It contains several unnecessary subplots which only confuse it further as well as a variety of completely worthless and dull scenes that have nothing to do with the movie itself. No zombies show up till three quarters of the way into the movie. Then they wander around for a while, briefly kill two innocent people in really poorly done scenes, and then go for their revenge.

Next, the production values in general. Bad acting, bad makeup, and no real special effects to speak of. The zombies look the same as they did when they were alive except with lots of black makeup around their eyes. Some of them also limp unconvincingly. They talk and interact like normal people and are really just poor excuses for zombies in all regards.

None of the characters are particularly compelling. None of the acting is good. None of the dialogue is impressive. The ending will just make you cringe and realize that the whole time you were sitting there hoping it would get better, it was only getting worse. Possibly one of the worst zombie films ever made.

0 fake severed penis's out of 5
Rated R for strong gory violence, language and sexuality/nudity.

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