Saturday, April 9, 2011

Creepshow 2 (1987)

When The Curtain Goes Up, The Terror Begins!

Stephen King and George A. Romero return three more stories in the second installment of the Creepshow series.

"Chief Wooden Head" is the tale of an older couple who are the proprietors of a small, bankrupt shop in the desert. They remain open against the odds in a struggle to make a go of it and to provide for the needs of the local community. Their customers are primarily the local First Nations community and their store has a life-sized wooden statue by its front door - "Chief Wooden Head". But the shop falls victim to a group of petty criminals. The robbery goes bad and the thieves escape, but not for long. Guess who hunts them down to mete out tough justice...

In "The Raft" four young couples decide to go swimming at a lake far away from civilization. They swim out to a wooden raft in the water only to find that they are being hunted by a giant oily blob which aims to hunt down and consume them all one by one.

Lastly, "The Hitchhiker" is a nightmare scenario wherein a hit and run goes from bad to even worse. An adulteress business woman is rushing home after an extra-marital booty call when she accidentally hits and kills a hitchhiker. But the hitchhiker won't stay dead and wants revenge.

Creepshow 2 continues in the tradition of the original Creepshow film seamlessly and with all the cheese, laughs, and occasional spooks of the first movie. It continues on the strong underlying theme of "what goes around comes around", whereby bad people meet nasty ends. This sequel is darker than its predecessor and features more brutal, less cartoonish violence. Romero's participation in the writing process is noticeable in the films underlying social commentary as well.

4 wooden chiefs out of 5
Rated R: contains violence, frightening scenes, sexual content, nudity, language. 

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