Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tales from the Crypt (1972)

DEATH LIVES in the Vault of Horror! 

Five strangers get separated from a tour group in an ancient catacomb. As they try to find the rest of their group, they end up meeting the Cryptkeeper, a sinister character who reveals to each of them the horrifying demise that awaits them as a result of their dastardly ways.

In the first of these five stories, "And All Through the House", a greedy wife murders her husband on Christmas Eve in order to collect on his life insurance policy. But little does she know that an insane serial killer has escaped and is prowling the area near her house dressed as Santa Clause.

Then, in "Reflections of Death", a man leaves his wife and family for his young mistress. But they get in a horrible car crash. When he awakens, his mistress is nowhere to be found. He pulls himself from the wreckage and begins making his way towards her house. Everyone he encounters flees from him in horror. He is about to learn why...

Next, in "Poetic Justice", a ruthless developer unleashes a cruel campaign of slander and nastiness against a kindly old man whose home he considers an eyesore and whose property he hopes to take control of. Hoping he will move away, the developer sends the man unkind cards on Valentines Day. But instead of leaving, the man commits suicide, only to return from the grave a year later for revenge.

In "Wish You Were Here", a bankrupt business tycoon dies in a terrible car accident. But when his wife learns that an ancient statue in her possession can grant her three wishes, she wishes for eternal life for her husband. The only trouble is, he may return to life... but in what condition?

Finally, in "Blind Alleys", a selfish man takes over control of a home for the blind and begins misappropriating its funds for his own comfort. The situation grows so miserable that one of the patients actually dies. The other patients decode that they cannot go on this way and that their friend must be avenged, so they prepare a suitable punishment for the greedy, self serving fiend.

Tales from the Crypt, the first film in its franchise, is arguably also the best. It's five wonderfully creepy tales about why you should do to others as you would have done unto yourself. Five greedy rich bastards getting what they have coming. Four more Tales from the Crypt films followed as well as a Television series which, unfortunately, was generally not of this same caliber. It also inspired a fun cartoon series called "Tales from the Cryptkeeper" for the kids. A very worthwhile watch.

4 valentines cards out of 5
Rated PG: contains violence and frightening scenes.

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