Saturday, April 9, 2011

Creepshow 3 (2006)

The Most Fun You'll Ever Have Being Scared!

Five more short stories, this time claiming to be "the most fun you'll ever have being scared". Let's take a look.

We begin with "Alice", the story of a spoiled teenager who hates her family, her neighborhood, and her life. She uses a universal remote control developed by a fellow by the name of Professor Dayton to change reality and learns that maybe things weren't so bad before after all... compared to the fate that now awaits her.

Next, in "The Radio", a security guard buys a radio which was also developed by Professor Dayton. The radio proceeds to talk to him and lure him into a web of theft and murder from which he cannot escape. Moving right along...

"The Call Girl" is about a sex worker/serial killer who murders whoever happens to hire her. Unfortunately for her, the jig is up when she is hired by an odd character by the name of Victor. She murders him, or tries to, but then learns that she isn't the only one who isn't what she seems. One of the better tales, but things are about to go downhill some more.

"The Professors Wife" takes us to the home of Professor Dayton, where the Professor has invited his two best former students over for dinner. He introduces them to his fiancée, who they decide is an android. Therefore they decide the most sensible thing to do is to disassemble her. Doesn't go well.

Finally, "The Haunted Dog". A hot dog vendor drops a hot dog on the ground. He gives it to a homeless dude. The homeless dude kicks it. Hot dog guy is then haunted by the ghost of the homeless dude that he murdered with his dirty wiener. Seriously.

Many have decried Creepshow 3 as an illegitimate sequel to the original anthology by Stephen King and George A. Romero. The reason for this is probably that Creepshow 3 sucks and nobody wants it to sully the name of the original and its relatively good sequel, Creepshow 2.

Creepshow 3 does not involve King or Romero, and frankly lacks the writing, casting, special effects, and humour that made the first two movies so cheesy, but still so watchable and enjoyable. This, on the other hand, is pretty bad all around. Poorly written, ridiculous stories based on ludicrous premises and totally lacking in humour. Some of the stories in this film do carry on the Creepshow tradition of bad things happening to bad people... but due to uninteresting characters and poor writing, it doesn't come out as strongly or convincingly. The same goes for the gore... there's a tonne of it... but it is ridiculous and campy at best. This film can be missed, you won't be missing much.

1 universal remote out of 5, because you only need one to turn off a movie
Rated R for bloody horror violence and gore, language, some drug use and sexual material.

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