Saturday, March 3, 2012

Stake Land (2010)

The Most Dangerous Thing Is To Be Alive.

A vampire epidemic has swept the United States, and much of the planet. A young man by the name of Martin loses his family in a vampire attack, but soon runs in to a vampire slayer and self taught survivalist known only as "Mister".

Mister and Martin head north to a land known as "New Eden". It's really just Canada, the only big surprise being that it took a vampire apocalypse for more American's to figure that one out.

There's only one problem, other than the blood thirsty vampires. A neo-nazi cult calling itself the "Brotherhood" is determined to restart human society on their own maniacal terms, and to "cleanse" all those who oppose them or don't fit into their ideal. It doesn't help much that Mister quite righteously killed two members of the Brotherhood who were attempting to rape a nun.

In the process they make some friends and allies including a former soldier, a pregnant woman, and a young woman who is handy with a crossbow. But can they make it to New Eden alive and in one piece?

This film is dark and gritty, but it is also a story of hope and overcoming adversity. It also has a strong anti-racist undercurrent. It could be seen as a commentary on the state of political life in the United States today.

Stakeland is a refreshing film which, like 30 Days of Night before it, puts vampires back where they should be; in the role of blood thirsty and vicious monsters. This isn't Twilight, but I'd pay good money to see Mister deal definitively with the douche bags from those films so that they could stop making a mockery of the horror genre. An excellent and well made film all around.

4.5 stakes out of 5
Contains violence, gore, language, frightening scenes.

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