Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Woman in Black (1989)

A spine-chilling ghost story

A young solicitor is sent to a creepy old mansion in a seaside town to settle the estate of a recluse old widow who has recently passed away. The local people are clearly reluctant to have anything to do with the menacing old home which lies on a plot of land accessible only when the tide is out because otherwise the road is submerged.

But the solicitor ignores their words of warning and proceeds to the house, driven by fear for his job. Once there he is haunted by mysterious sounds and events and by a ghostly woman in black.

Of course this title will be recognized by many due to the movie by the same name which was recently released by Hammer Films. In fact this adaptation was originally a TV film and both films are adaptations of the book by the same name which was written by Susan Hill in 1983. Horror fans who recently saw the new release might be interested to check out this earlier effort.

While short on special effects in comparison to the more recent adaptation, this version of The Woman in Black does manage to pull off creating a creepy atmosphere and enough suspense to keep the viewer interested. Acting, costume, and setting also help to make this an OK little film, especially as a made for TV production.

3.5 toy soldiers out of 5
Contains frightening scenes.

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