Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

Evolution Becomes Revolution

Scientist Will Rodman is heading up a team that is working on a new treatment for Alzheimer's. The treatment, which is being tested on apes, shows promising signs of reversing the effects of the disease. But when one of the apes undergoing testing gives birth, Will learns that when applied to a brain that is undamaged by Alzheimer's, the treatment leads to stunning increases in intelligence.

Will takes the infant ape, Caesar, into his care, keeping it safe from the dangers of the lab and observing its amazing development. But when Caesar defends Will's Alzheimer's stricken father from the abuse of a nasty neighbour, he is confiscated by Animal Control and placed in a "sanctuary" where he is witness to, and the victim of, horrible abuse at the hands of the depraved staff.

Caesar reacts to the abuse and enslavement at the hands of his human captors in the only logical way. Using his advanced intelligence, he leads his fellow apes to revolt.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a resounding success in all respects. The plot and sequence of events is believable. The acting is excellent and the character development is effective, especially in the case of Caesar. The CGI is phenomenal, particularly the main feature of the film, the apes, which are incredibly detailed and realistic. The CGI motion capture of Andy Serkis as Caesar is particularly impressive. Even though Caesar can't speak through most of the film, one almost feels as though they could verbalize his every thought and emotion.

If you somehow haven't questioned it already, you will question the ethics of animal testing and the predominate moral code in our society regarding the treatment of the planet and other living things. Not to mention the corporate greed, inherent in our socio-economic system, which played a significant role in the events leading up to the ape uprising. Then you'll see the downtrodden apes rise up to conquer humanity... and you'll cheer them on.

The only fault with this movie is that it should have been about twice as long. We only get as far as the initial ape uprising. There are all kinds of hints at what comes next, but we will just have to wait for the coming sequels to see those events unfold. Major credit is due to the writers and director of this film for managing to breath a whole new life into a franchise that is over 40 years old and already boasts five original films and a remake. That's not an easy task, but it is done here successfully.

4.5 bloody sneezes out of 5
Rated PG-13 for intense and frightening sequences of action and violence

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