Thursday, September 29, 2011

[Rec] (2007)

One Witness. One Camera

A young TV reporter and her cameraman spend the night covering the daily life of local fire fighters in Barcelona. Their mundane assignment gets a bit more interesting when the team is called out to an apartment building by an elderly woman who claims to be trapped in her suite, but they have no idea what they are really in for.

When they arrive they find the woman covered in blood, with a dead body in her apartment, and a highly aggressive demeanour. Suddenly the team, and the residents, find themselves quarantined inside the apartment building as an increasingly terrifying situation develops around them and spreads out of their control.

[Rec] employs the shaky camera, "found footage" style which was popularized years earlier by The Blair Witch Project. Not everyone is fan of the style of film, but it certainly adds to the sense of realness and chaos which prevails through most of the movie.

The effective thing about this film is that it plays heavily on fear of the unknown. It also builds up gradually from its calm beginning towards total terror. You almost don't see it coming, but it just keeps getting better, scarier, darker, right to the last minutes.

If you are looking for a horror movie that truly delivers the scares, [Rec] is for you. It's no suprise that it was remade almost immediately as the US film Quarantine.

4.5 zombie outbreaks out of 5
Rated R for bloody horror violence and language

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