Friday, September 30, 2011

Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus (2010)

Whoever wins... we lose!

A bounty hunter con man, a military scientist, and a special agent, form an unlikely team that must work together to save the world from two giant, prehistoric beasts; the Mega Shark, and Crocosaurus. But the monsters cross each others path as well, leading to some good old fashioned monster on monster battle action.

Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus is one of those movies that looks really awesome, but you know it won't be, but you have to watch it anyhow. It isn't awesome, just so you know. This movie has no real plot. That's ok because its predictable for this kind of movie. Hideously poor acting. Shitty special effects. Even those are somewhat forgiveable given that we are dealing with a giant monster movie. But the monsters kind of suck too, and that doesn't leave much to be impressed with.

Both Mega Shark and Crocosaurus are basically really poorly done computer graphics with very little detail or realism. Neither of them inspire much terror. Actually, the DVD cover art is the coolest part about this movie, and the scariest. Plus, considering the term "vs." is in the title, one could fairly expect that the two creatures would be fighting it out at some point. Well, they do. For about 30 seconds. Mostly the focus is on a group of really crappy actors trying to find a way to blow them both up instead.

Gary Stretch plays Nigel Putnam, the racist bounty hunter. His character is intended to be racist and generally unpleasant. But actually the film itself basically depicts "the African's" as childish, superstitious, and gullible on the whole. It felt like there was a little more racism going on that just that which was overt. Sarah Lieving played the over the top special agent. And yes, Steve Urkel (Jaleel White) IS in this movie. In fact, he is basically the star of it. Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus got any cheese? Plenty Urkel... plenty.

1 mega pixel out of 5
Rated R for some language

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