Monday, August 8, 2011

Decoys 2 (2007)

It's Mating Season

College students Sam Compton reluctantly joins a group of friends in a contest to see who can sleep with the most women on campus by the end of the semester. What they don't know is that there are a lot of new students on campus this year and they are out of this world... literally.

Actually they are lizard women with tentacle-like sex organs which they hide in their bellybuttons. They are looking for male humans to incubate their young inside. The problem is that they are allergic to heat and when they have relations their body temperatures drop well below freezing and their mates tend to turn into popsicles.

Only one man, Luke Callahan, knows the truth, having survived the decoys first attack a few years earlier. Now he is on a mission to stop these buxom blonde man killers before every male on campus is either impregnated or dead.

Decoys wasn't a great film in the first place. So naturally, a sequel was required. This second Decoys instalment is not like most sequels. Most sequels are much worse than the original. This is equally bad.

As his obnoxious frat-douche friends begin drawing up the plans for their contest to see how many "babes" they can "nail", Sam warns that if they find out... women on campus might be offended. You think? He joins in anyhow though, and soon his friends are dying right left and centre. If the contest didn't offend all the woman on campus, the premise of this movie might offend all the ones who watch it.

But moving right along... the fact is that nothing new happens here. The monsters are the same as in the previous movie, every single attack is basically exactly the same. And if it was only a little bit interesting the first time around, then it isn't very interesting by the end. If anything, I think this movie might be better than the first one in the sense that it is a little more action oriented.

The acting is mostly pretty bad, the characters are mostly pretty irritating, and as some layers of detail are added to the nefarious alien plot it becomes even sillier sounding. Yes, we get a full on detailed explanation of everything from Kim Poirier, the aliens leader, just so that the viewer can grasp all the complexities of the film. Sheesh.

1.5 big keyboards out of 5
Rated R for some sexual content including nudity

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