Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Darkness Falls (2003)

Stay in the light!

There was once an old lady who would pay local children a gold coin for a tooth. Her odd habit slid by until one day a fire left her horribly burnt, and unable to go out in the light. Accused of witchcraft, the woman was hanged. But her tormented spirit took the form of an evil tooth fairy which continues today to visit the homes of young children and collect their teeth at night. There's a catch. If you see her, she kills you.

Unfortunately a young lad by the name of Kyle just couldn't help himself and decided to sneak a peek. Twelve years later, Kyle is all grown up having survived the terrifying events of that fateful night. Now he is out to put a stop to the nasty tooth fairy who continues to haunt, and occasionally kill, local children.

Darkness Falls is one of those kind of big budget B movies, but unfortunately its budget doesn't necessarily translate into a great movie. It does contain a few good startles, but these are few in number and largely stored at the start of the film. From there things move towards lots of action and little suspense or horror. Let's face it... the movie is rated PG-13. Considering it was made in 2003, it's clear that the aim was making big bucks, not scaring our pants off.

To tell the tooth, the evil fairy villain is not particularly convincingly done... not to mention being a little on the goofy side as a concept. The film ultimately reaches its straight forward, unsurprising climax leaving little room for wholly unnecessary sequel. In this case, it's a good thing.

2 wiggly teeth out of 5
Rated PG-13 for terror and horror images, and brief language

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