Thursday, July 7, 2011

Zombieland (2009)

Nut Up or Shut Up.

A mutation of mad cow disease has spread to humans, turning almost everyone into a flesh hungry, violence prone zombie. One of the survivors is Columbus, a shy student who has developed a lengthy programme of rules for surviving the zombie apocalypse and is now attempting to reach his family, which he hopes is still alive in Ohio. He meets a trigger happy tough guy with a grudge who happens to also be heading east bound; to Tallahassee.

Their unlikely team works out well enough until they meet up with a pair of sisters, Wichita, and Little Rock, who are on their way to an amusement park where they have heard there are no zombies. After various shenanigans, all four will learn some important lessons not only in zombie slaying, but also in teamwork and family.

Zombieland is one of the newest, and also one of the best known, of the many zombie comedies on the market today. If one is to be honest, one has to admit that the majority of light hearted zombie tales too often end up being the shits. This, along with others like Shaun of the Dead and Fido, prove to be exceptions.

The film serves up its fair share of gore, action, and maybe even the occasional cheap jump. But its also very funny. Furthermore, it features and fantastic cast. Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, and Abigail Breslin are all perfect for their respective roles. Meanwhile we get a guest appearance from Bill Murray with hilariously ironic consequences as well. Zombieland is well worth a watch from its educational, yet Metallica-riff laden beginning to its blood stained yet touching conclusion. Don't forget to double tap.

30 survival rules out of 30
Rated R for horror violence/gore and language

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