Friday, July 15, 2011

Dog Soldiers (2002)

Six soldiers. Full moon. No chance.

A British military squad is sent on what should be a routine training exercise against a special ops squad in the highlands of Scotland. The area is notorious for its legends about disappearing campers and strange creatures, but the soldiers ignore these stories as childishness.

Unfortunately, the stories become more real and more horrifying than they ever would have imagined when they find the special ops squad annihilated by a pack of hungry werewolves. They retreat to a nearby cabin where they meet a zoologist who claims to have been sent to study the creatures. Barricaded in the remote home, they are left no option but to fight for their lives against seemingly unstoppable foes.

It's hard not to go in to this movie with some serious scepticism based on the title and premise. Plus, let's face it, there hasn't been an overwhelming number of fantastic werewolf movies. To be sure, Dog Soldiers is indeed a campy B flick and is more action than horror.

I have a few questions for the writers as well. For one thing, the entire plot twist with the zoologist simply makes no sense to me. Neither does the fact that a bunch of special ops who were dropped in to try to capture werewolves were sent in without any silver or other items known to cause vulnerability in werewolves. Why do the werewolves have a pet dog? Seems a little weird. But I digress.

To be fair, however, for its low budget it had respectable special effects and pretty good werewolves. I didn't find the film particularly compelling over-all, but if you just have a hankering for some action packed battles with cool looking monsters, you will find some value in Dog Soldiers.

2 hairy back-seat drivers out of 5
Rated R for strong violence/gore and language.

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