Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hardware (1990)

It activates it exhilarates... it exterminates.

A nomadic scavenger finds the remains of a robot in the deserts of a post-apocalyptic dystopia. He takes the robot for sale as scrap metal, but ends up selling it to a wandering soldier, Moses, instead. Moses gives the disassembled robot parts to his artist girlfriend, Jill, for use in one of her sculptures.

What neither of them realize is that robot is actual a prototype of an extermination droid being developed by the government for the purposes of "population control". Soon this mechanical killing machine, the MARK 13, has reconstructed itself and is on a violent rampage.

Hardware is a dark and gritty sci-fi flick taking place is a dismal, radioactive future. After a slow, grinding build up the movie explodes into fast paced and chaotic action, which feels even more so given its claustrophobic setting. The robot is pretty cool, even if you can see a human leg sticking out from under it once or twice. The acting is good as is the casting. There's even appearances from Lemmy of Motorhead as a taxi driver, and Iggy Pop as an edgy radio announcer. A very worthwhile film.

3.5 killer robots out of 5
Rated R for strong violence, sexuality and language

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