Thursday, March 3, 2011

Growth (2010)

Sometimes the Greatest Enemy Comes From Within.

Back in 1989, on Cuttyhunk Island, a breakthrough was made in advanced parasitic research. Scientists used parasites on human subject to heighten physical and mental strength as well as awareness and cognitive abilities. But something went wrong...

Three quarters of the islands population was wiped out. Jamie Akerman lost her mother, but escaped. Now she returns to the island to sell the family property which she has inherited. However, the past has come back to haunt her as a new parasitic outbreak threatens her and everyone around her.

Like 2006's Slither, Growth is about some squeaky wormy-looking parasites that invade human bodies causing disease and death. The difference is that instead of turning people in zombies, it turns them into super-humans. But the parasites grow and multiply at the same time until eventually the person dies and the parasites move on to their next victim. Growth is a more serious take on a similar story. Rather than aiming for a cheesy, semi-comedic experience, Growth aims for fear and suspense.

While Growth isn't likely to find its way into the top ten scariest, or even best, horror movies of all time, it is a decent and very watchable film. It has suspense, a few jumps, and good atmosphere. It also has reasonable acting and dialogue as well as some grisly, skin crawling special effects.

3.5 severed arm slaps out of 5
Not rated. Contains violence, sexuality, language, disturbing scenes. 

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