Monday, March 14, 2011

Halloween 2 (1981)

The sensational follow-up to the worldwide phenomenon. More terror, even more terrifying.

Halloween 2 picks up exactly where the original finished. Laurie has survived Michael's initial rampage thanks to her own ingenuity and strength, plus a little help from the pistol packing Dr. Loomis. But Michael's body has disappeared.

Laurie is rushed to the hospital for treatment. The only catch is that Michael is hot on her heels. Soon Laurie realizes that he is now creeping through the hospital, continuing his murderous rampage, knocking off security guards, nurses, and whoever else he happens upon. But Dr. Loomis is also on to the fact that Michael is still alive, and he is out to put an end to his terror once and for all.

Halloween 2 could be watched immediately after the original and one could almost think it was one very long and epic film. It is an immediate continuation of the plot with the same characters, actors, and so on. That's, in part, what makes this one of the best horror sequels.

Another reason for this is that it still has the same use of suspense and surprise, the same creepy villain, and the continued presence of at least two decent actors (Pleasence and Curtis), even if some of the others are pretty poor.

The gore level is turned up on this one compared to the original. Keep in mind that Friday the 13th had been released one year prior, and slasher movies were becoming a big thing. A struggle was taking place to keep on top of this developing sub-genre. Perhaps mild by the standards of some modern movies, but still effective. A great continuation to a great series.

5 bleached-out captain kirk masks out of 5
Rated R: contains violence, gore, sexual content, nudity, language.

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