Monday, February 28, 2011

Monsturd (2008)

Don't get caught with your pants down! 

Police are hot on the heels of escaped serial killer Jack Schmidt when he takes to the sewers in the hopes of making an escape. But instead he become exposed to deadly chemicals which have been dumped there by a mad scientist hiding the evidence of a grisly accident.

The chemicals eat away his flesh and he is presumed dead. But the chemical exposure morphs Schmidt into a part-feces, part-man creature - the monsturd. The creature goes on a killing spree, but local sheriff Duncan, and FBI agent Hannigan are on the case. Let's just hope they can get to the monsturd before it gets to the county chili cook off!

Monsturd is among the worst movies I have ever had the misfortune of viewing. Let's be honest, the title of the film is Monsturd. I had no business expecting anything more. A valiant effort perhaps, but this movie looks like it was put together with a handy cam and a budget of about $13.05. The acting is awful, there are no real special effects to speak of, and the dialogue is atrocious. Basically, what we have here is a 80 minute long poop joke. It's vile, it's repulsive, but it's also very boring, not particularly funny, and even less frightening. This movie is the shits.

0.5 giant doo doo's out of 5
Rated R for gross out humor and language.

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