Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sleepy Hollow (1999)

You can lock the doors. You can bolt the windows. But can you survive the night?

The year is 1799 and Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp) is a New York City police constable who has been dispatched to investigate a number of strange and brutal murders in the hamlet of Sleepy Hollow. The murders all have one thing in common - the victims have been found beheaded.

Crane, a man of science, arrives in Sleepy Hollow with his bag full of newfangled forensic investigatory tools only to be informed by the local elders that the murders are the work of a supernatural being; the headless horseman. Naturally, Crane is not impressed and does not believe them. At least, not until he meets the horseman himself.

Crane escapes the meeting with his life and continues the investigation. He is boarding with the wealthy Van Tassels family, and soon becomes attracted to their daughter, Katrina, who is played by Christina Ricci. Meanwhile he meets a young orphan. Young Masbeth, who aids him in his investigation. They eventually discover that he horseman is not acting alone, but is being controlled by someone inside the hamlet. This finding will soon lead to another, and will bring Crane and Katrina together against the real villain.

Seriously. Johnny Deep AND Christina Ricci PLUS directed by Tim Burton. How can this movie go wrong? Sure, it's pretty campy... but it's meant to be. In usual Tim Burton style, Sleepy Hollow pulls off fun and dark at the same time plus a great cast to boot. If you are looking for really scary or gruesome, this isn't it. Sure, there's a bunch of head chopping but don't forget, this is a big budget Hollywood movie, so check it out, just don't expect anything too graphic, nasty, or controversial.

4 Tree's of the Dead out of 5
Rated R for graphic horror violence and gore, and for a scene of sexuality.

Watch the Sleepy Hollow trailer.

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