Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Possession (1981)

Murder. Evil. Infidelity. Madness.

Anna and Mark's relationship is in steep decline for reasons that Mark can't understand. As Anna draws further and further away from her family, Mark falls in a state of deep depression and his sanity becomes questionable.

He decides to have Anna followed and get to the bottom of the situation, but what he may not like, or understand, what he finds.

Normally I like to give a little bit more of a plot summary than this, but in the case of Possession it is hardly possible considering the films complexity to do so without spilling the beans on a bunch of spoilers. I'd rather you watch it yourself and experience it in full without any warning about what you are going to see. Here's some hints that you probably gleaned from the cover anyhow... it involves a crazy looking octopus monster.

Possession seems to have been marketed highly on the smut factor. Just look at the movie cover. The alternate cover isn't much different. And the alternate tag line was "She created a monster as her secret lover!" But in reality this movie in much deeper than its unfortunately crass marketing would suggest and in fact it contains no particularly explicit sexuality and very little nudity. Even the actual creature plays a relatively small part in the movie itself, which is really about separation or divorce.

This movie is entertaining not just because it is so strange and unpredictable, but also because of the acting and setting. The performances were excellent, particularly that of Isabelle Adjani who plays both Anna and another character in the film. She manages to pull off a character that is basically bat shit crazy, and exceptionally dangerous, and she does it with a level of energy and raw emotion that is rare. The movie was filmed in Berlin, which lends the movie a beautiful canvas on which to paint its madness.This one is definitely worth checking out.

4 tentacle monsters out of 5

Rated R for violence, sexual content, nudity, language.

Watch the Possession trailer.

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