Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Others (2001)

Sooner Or Later They Will Find You.

World War Two is drawing to a close, and Grace takes up residence with her two young children in a mansion in Jersey. They are awaiting the return of Grace's husband, the childrens father, who has been off fighting in the war. The hired help up and takes off unannounced, so Grace puts out an ad for new servants.

The new servants arrive soon after and begin to take up the work of caring for the children, who are subject to an array of strange rules, partially as a result of a supposed health condition which they both share.

Strange events start to occur in the house. Grace believes she can hear voices and noises and begins to have frightening visions. Finally she begins to believe that the new servants are up to something. But the truth is soon revealed to be even worse.

The Others is as much a mystery and a thriller as it is a ghost movie or a horror film. It may keep you guessing for a while, depending on how many of these type of movies you have seen before. All in all it is a well done, well acted movie with a classic plot twist ending aimed at leaving you with the creeps. For a spooky Hollywood ghost story, not too bad.

3.5 surprise endings out of 5
Rated PG-13 for thematic elements and frightening moments.

Watch The Others trailer. 

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