Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pandorum (2009)

Don't fear the end of the world. Fear what happens next.

Two astronauts awaken from a cryogenic sleep to find themselves seemingly alone on what appears to be an abandoned space craft. They struggle to remember who they are, where they are going, and what their mission was. Meanwhile the ship experiences increasingly intense and dangerous power surges. They realize that they are in a race against time to resent the ships reactor. But they are about to discover something even more horrifying... they are not alone.

The two men race against time, and against their mysterious, deadly visitors, meeting friends and enemies along the way. Every turn reveals another terrible piece of the puzzle that ultimately proves their mission to be even more important than their own personal survival.

Pandorum's release may have come at an unfortunate moment. Namely, right between District 9, and Avatar - two great sci-fi films both of which were major successes with lots of advertising and media attention. It's box office intake was dismal and it did not establish a real high level of notoriety.

But these facts don't take away from the real bottom-line as far as the viewer is concerned - that Pandorum is actually a thoroughly watchable movie despite a certain level of campyness. But the movies budget, which was just slightly more than that of District 9, allowed for reasonable special effects and some fairly nasty looking bad guys - even if they do kind of resemble Gollum.

But really what keeps the movie interesting is the big question of what the heck is actually going on inside this ship. The answer doesn't come until near the end of the film and leaves the door open for two planned sequels which, unfortunately, will likely never be made due to the originals poor financial performance.But if they were made they would be worth watching for the same reason that you will keep watching the original from start through to finish; just to see what happens next.

3.5 loopy space men out of 5
Rated R for strong horror violence and language.

Watch the Pandorum trailer.

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