Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

A robot and a man . . . hold the world spellbound with new and startling powers from another planet!

An alien from another world (Klaatu), and his deadly robot (Gort), land on Earth, in the United States, just at the beginning of heightening Cold War tensions. After a less than warm welcome, Klaatu announces that he brings an urgent message to the leaders of the planet, but he is informed that it is impossible to convene all of the leaders due to rising international tensions. He instead tries to bring his message to the people of Earth through their most brilliant scientific minds.But Klaatu's plans are complicated by a society gripped by fear and bent on violent solutions.

Spoiler alert... Klaatu has arrived on Earth because human kinds recent development of nuclear weapons and rockets is considered to potentially threaten inter-galactic peace given the violent and warlike nature of human history and the rising tensions of the day. Klaatu and Gort have traveled to Earth to warn that humanity must change its ways or face obliteration.

The Day the Earth Stood Still is a delightful sci-fi flick which is not only a lot of fun with its over the top acting, and dated special effects, but also carries a timely message of peace and dialogue rather than war. Of course real life isn't so simple. There are economic factors at play. It's not that those behind wars and occupations today just don't want to sit down and settle their differences because they hadn't considered that option - there's money to be made after all! But I digress. It's a great movie, and a total mockery of the fear, paranoia, and hawkishness of the Cold War era which may be over, but yet continues today in new forms.

Fun fact: the words that Patricia must speak to Gort in order to stop the obliteration of Earth are the same words Ash must speak in Army of Darkness.

4.5 laser beam eyes out of 5
Contains mild violence.

Watch The Day the Earth Stood Still trailer.

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