Friday, February 10, 2012

Se7en (1995)

Seven deadly sins. Seven ways to die.

Detective David Mills (Brad Pitt) and Detective Lt. William Somerset (Morgan Freeman) are two unlikely partners on a mission to find and stop a disturbed serial killer whose crimes are inspired by the seven deadly sins.

One sin after another is punished through the killers' series of grisly and twisted murders. Meanwhile the detectives are strung along by a series of clues that lead them to each of the next attacks. Finally the killer is captured, but his delusional mission is not yet complete. There is still one final, chilling act remaining which he hopes will strike at the heart of a world he believes to be rotten to the core with sin.

Kevin Spacey plays the maniacal "John Doe" in this cult classic. His character is convincingly troubled and troubling all at once. But Spacey isn't the only highlight of the film. The movie is excellently acted all around and Freeman and Pitt are at the top of their games.

The films horrible crimes are described in graphic detail and you are left wondering after each one which sin will be next and in what creatively insane manner the killer will strike. But there is no way to predict the shocking twist ending which undoubtedly played a large role in catapulting the film in to cult status.

4 boxes out of 5
Contains violence, gore, language, disturbing scenes.

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