Sunday, February 19, 2012

Puppetmaster (1989)

Evil comes in all sizes!

A generally unpleasant gentleman by the name of Neil Gallagher finds the secret of Andre Toulon, a man who had the ability to bring puppets to life and use them to do his bidding.

Now Gallagher has been reported dead as the result of suicide. But when his friends, a group of psychics, are summoned to his house by his grieving widow, they soon grow to suspect that something is not as it seems.

Soon, one by one, they face horrible deaths at the hands of Gallagher's puppets, which include such features as a knife for a hand, a drill for a head, and the ability to vomit leeches.

Puppetmaster is not a rare or little-known film. In fact, it is quite well known within the horror genre and as I prepared to watch it I reflected on this fact and felt somewhat surprised that I had not done so previously. That was before I watched it.

As it turns out, I wasn't missing much. Puppetmaster is campy in the extreme. The musical score is goofy and sounds misplaced, as though it was written for a Disney film set in some mystical land of wonderment. The special effects are cheesy; at least as cheesy as the acting and the haircuts of those performing it.

A few thoughts on the puppets themselves; why and how do they breath, if they are inanimate objects controlled by a master who can bring them to life then how is it that they can react based on emotion, where on earth do all those leeches come from?

Puppetmaster is a mediocre film. It's slow moving and is full of meaningless and repetitive scenes which do nothing to further what little plot there is. On top of this the action, which is sparse to start with, doesn't really begin till towards the end of the film. Even then it is relatively brief and tame. Despite it all, Puppetmaster is part of a ten film franchise and may possibly be converted to 3D. My advice; if you're looking for a film about killed puppets or toys, you're better off to stick to Childs Play, and leave this one on the shelf.

1 drill head out of 5
Contains violence, language.

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