Thursday, May 5, 2011

Q: The Winged Serpent (1982)

It's name is Quetzalcoatl... just call it Q, that's all you'll have time to say before it tears you apart!

New York police receive reports of a large flying lizard making appearances along the city's towering sky line. The write the reports off as bogus, and assume them to be completely unrelated to a coinciding strike of bizarre murders.

But when an unemployed, ex-convict, pianist happens upon the creatures nest, he sees an opportunity to be hero for a day while avoiding a return to the slammer. As the death toll rises, and the evidence of the existence of the monster begins to build, the police are finally willing to listen. But will they be able to stop the strange beast, or will they just become the next dish in its big apple smorgasbord?

Don't let the really stupid tag line fool you; Q is actually a decent film; well made if a bit campy, but fun as well. Q itself is a of course one of those wonderful movie monsters from the pre-digitally generated era. It's not as much a winged serpent as a winged lizard for some reason, but cool nonetheless.

The acting and dialogue are pretty decent for this type of movie. The main character, Jimmy, is a bad guy trying to be good. It's hard to like the guy, but hard not to root for him at the same time. There's even room left for a sequel, but it doesn't seem to have ever come to fruition. Q is little known, but worth watching  for monster movie fans.

3.5 window washing accidents out of 5
Rated R for violence, nudity, and language.

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