Thursday, May 26, 2011

Camp Blood (2000)

Wide open with nowhere to run.

Ignoring stories of a clown-masked murderer who stalks a wooded area which has become known as Camp Blood, Tricia, Steve, Jay, and Nicole embark on what is supposed to be a fun filled weekend of camping and exploration.

They meet their guide, Harris, and begin their hike deep into the woods. But they lose Harris in what seems to be a brutal murder. Now they are alone and lost in a desperate bid to navigate their way out of Camp Blood alive.

Camp Blood is a low budget, straight to video slasher flick which seems to borrow from more famous slasher classics like Friday the 13th and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but obviously doesn't exactly live up to the quality of such films.

First of all, there are an awful lot of plot holes which, in the interest of avoiding spoilers, will not be listed here. You can find them yourself if you chose to watch the movie. The acting is mostly pretty bad, much of the dialogue is pretty brutal, and most of the characters are fairly unlikeable.

There's not a lot of scares here either. The killer is only really scary if you suffer from coulrophobia. The whole thing pretty predictable right down to who will die by a cheesy-looking machete to the head and who will live. The ending, on the other hand,  is a bit convoluted, and leaves the viewer unclear on who the killer actually is. But the door is left wide open for sequels, of which there are two. Over all, not a very compelling slasher flick.

1.5 well-done guides out of 5
Not rated: Contains violence, nudity, sexual content, language.

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