Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Friday the 31st: Michael vs. Jason (2005)

Two evils meet.

Michael Myers stalks his nephew, John Tate, and his fiancee across the U.S. Unaware that they are being followed, they stop at Crystal Lake to ask for directions. There they encounter Tommy Jarvis, who is holed  up in his cabin, hiding from Jason Voorhees.

Jason soon arrives and breaks into the cabin, attacking Tommy. Michael isn't far behind, having followed John's car to the cabin. This cabin proves not to be big enough for the both of them, so the two infamous villains are left to duke it out. If they weren't too evil to work together, they would have made a killer team.

Friday the 31st is a fan film created by Blinky Productions. It runs just over 21 minutes and is surprisingly well made despite some lighting issues, and an obviously small budget. Admittedly there are a few scenes that come off as a bit odd, like when Jason just opens the door of the cabin after pounding on it for so long. Also, Tommy Jarvis looks nothing like he did in the Friday the 13th movies. On the up side, he is quite a bit less whiny and annoying than he was in the actual films, and he doesn't have that really stupid 80's haircut. A couple of parts in the fight scene between Jason and Michael incite a bit of a chuckle. Jason breaking Michael's arm just seemed really funny and out of place somehow.

Regardless, Friday the 31st is well worth the 20 minutes for any fan of these two legendary horror franchises. Chances are that this won't be the last film from Blinky to find its way onto this blog if others are of a similar caliber.

3 slasher showdowns out of 5
Unrated. Contains violence.

Watch Friday the 31st.

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