Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Number 23 (2007)

The Truth Will Find You

Walter Sparrow (Jim Carrey)gets off late from his job as an animal control officer to meet his wife. While she was waiting, she browsed a local book store and found a book, which she purchases for Walter. It's a novel, a murder mystery, which loops repeatedly back to the number 23.

The book quickly captivates Walter. He becomes obsessed with it. It starts to fill his dreams and he begins to feel that everything in his life goes back to that same number; 23. As his obsession grows, he starts to believe that this is no novel, but rather an account of true events which was somehow meant to fall in to his hands. He feels he must solve the mystery once and for all, and bring the killer to justice. But as he delves deeper into the mystery, the danger posed to himself, and his family, grows.

The Number 23 is a mystery/thriller that places comedic actor Jim Carrey in to a serious role as an obsessed self-assigned investigator. He pulls it off pretty well. The rest of the acting is pretty strong as well. The film also features a fairly strong plot and a successfully executed mystery which is not definitively revealed until the last minutes of the film - even if you are sure once or twice that you know what's up. An unlikely, but entertaining movie.

3 dog bites out of 5
Rated R for violence, disturbing images, sexuality and language

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