Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Howling (1981)

Imagine your worst fear a reality. 

Karen White is a reporter on a grisly assignment to meet up with a serial killer who is on the loose, and lead police to him. She does so, but suffers memory loss and trauma resulting in frightening and disturbing dreams containing flash backs to her encounter.

She is ordered to take a vacation at a psychiatric colony operated by Dr. George Waggner. Soon Karen begins to fear that the serial killer, Eddie, is still alive and is stalking her at the colony. But the truth turns out to be be even more sinister when she realizes that her vacation spot is located in the middle of a den of werewolves.

The Howling was hailed for its special effects and state-of-the-art make up. It helped to launch a short-lived werewolf trend in the 1980's and came at a time of horror movie resurgence which brought a lot of great movies. Of course by today's standards its a bit cheesy, but I guess maybe it was impressive in its day. The sex scene wherein Karen's husband turns into a werewolf and starts drooling is particularly bad. There's also a scene where a guy turns into a werewolf for what seems like forever, but is actually about two minutes, and his prey just stands there and watches for some reason. It did have it's creepy moments here and there, but it wasn't particularly scary and lacked suspense. The acting was ok, better than a lot of horror movies but not extremely impressive which is sort of how I feel about this movie in general.

2.5 werewolf vacation spots out of 5
Rated R for violence, gore, sexual content, nudity, language.

Watch The Howling trailer.

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