Thursday, October 14, 2010

Night of the Living Dead 3D (2006)

An all new dimension of the horror classic.

Night of the Living Dead 3D is a "re-imaging" of the original 1968 George A. Romero classic Night of the Living Dead. Barbara and her brother, Johnny, arrive late to a funeral to find that the cemetery is infested with the flesh-starved undead. They seek refuge in a nearby farmhouse owned by the Cooper family who, in this version of the story, are a bunch of stoners who operate a grow-op. Also hiding out at the house is an eccentric mortician, Tovar, who arrives with information about how the corpses came to reanimate and seek out human flesh. The lot of them fight for survival as the farmhouse comes under siege from the zombie menace.

The original Night of the Living Dead was not only one of the best horror films of all time; it heralded the dawn of the modern era in zombie cinema. In 1990, a very decent re-make was released thanks to the fine work of Tom Savini. You'd think that would be enough, but unfortunately these guys took it upon themselves to bastardize this great film by releasing this nasty steamer.

For one thing, the plot isn't even the same except for that there are characters with the same names and they happen to be in a farmhouse surrounded by zombies. The fact that the farm has now become a grow-op is really stupid, doesn't make a lot of sense, and only makes the characters more annoying while providing dismal opportunities for failed comic relief. As for the 3D effects, let's just say it's no Avatar. The acting is terrible, the plot is overly campy, and the whole thing could have done without the addition of the new character "Tovar". Plus all of the underlying socio-political commentary has been gutted.

If you are looking for Night of the Living Dead, watch the original. Then watch the 1990 remake. Then skip right on to something else, because you'll never get the 80 minutes of your life back after you waste them on this.

0.5 shovels to the head out of 5
Rated R for horror violence and gore, language, sexual content, nudity and drug use.

Watch the Night of the Living Dead 3D trailer.

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